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Graduating from a prestigious university is a significant achievement for any student. The University of Queensland, located in Brisbane, Australia, is one of the top-ranked universities in the world. Graduates from this university receive a certificate that represents their academic accomplishments. In this article, we will explore the University of Queensland graduation certificate and its unique identification number.

What is the University of Queensland graduation certificate?

The University of Queensland graduation certificate is a formal document that confirms a student's successful completion of their degree program. It includes the student's name, degree title, and the date of graduation. The certificate also includes a unique identification number that distinguishes it from other certificates issued by the university.

What is the University of Queensland graduation certificate identification number?

The University of Queensland graduation certificate identification number is a unique number that is assigned to each certificate. This number is used to verify the authenticity of the certificate and to prevent fraud. The identification number is a combination of letters and numbers that are specific to each certificate. It is printed on the certificate and can be used to search for the certificate in the university's database.

How to find your University of Queensland graduation certificate identification number?

If you have received your University of Queensland graduation certificate, you can find your identification number printed on the certificate. It is usually located in the bottom right-hand corner of the certificate. If you have lost your certificate, you can contact the university's graduation office to request a replacement. You will need to provide your full name, degree title, and graduation date to obtain a new certificate.


The University of Queensland graduation certificate is a significant achievement for any student. It represents the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. The unique identification number on the certificate ensures its authenticity and prevents fraud. If you are a graduate of the University of Queensland, be sure to keep your certificate safe and secure.





